The concept of Hidden Village was to recreate how it would be like living inside a thick forest, without its wild side. A tamed forest, bereft of frightful surprises, stealthy predators or pigmy tribes with arrows of Tarzan era. Houses have all basic contemporary comforts, just a two-hour drive for Mumbaikars & within the reach of local trains.
Hidden village is all about exteriors, the rooms are simple that adhere to minimalism in their décor and space. It has two natural water bodies both good for swimming. Sitting in the balcony of one’s room, with soft music humming watching the greenery outside is in itself a soothing experience, a required sanity restorer for the busy-bee minds of city dwellers today.
“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”
- Kahlil Gibran
“Forget not that the earth delights
to feel your bare feet and the winds long to caress your face.” - Henry David Thoreau